Certification is the process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented. You may wonder why to consider us when the market is flooded with various tourism companies? Our eventful journey since 1996 is adorned with numerous milestones, achievements and awards,which we cherish. These awards are a reflection of the high brand equity we command in the market as well as the admiration and respect we have earned over the years. Kundu Tirtho – O – Vraman has won numerous awards from government institutions, industry associations. This certification gives us prestige that is not boasted of by many other tourism groups. The Ministry of Tourism, has a number of points as its criteria to certify any tourism corporation. So, you can expect our services better than the ones that are not accredited by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
Incredible India is the name of an international tourism campaign by the Government of India to promote tourism in India since 2002. The campaign targeted at the local population to educate them regarding good behaviour and etiquette when dealing with foreign tourists. Aamir Khan was commissioned to endorse the campaign titled ‘Atithidevo Bhava’, Sanskrit for ‘Guests are like God’.
Travel Agents Association of Bengal is an an apex body of West Bengal Travel Enterpreneurs. They ensure that the Tourist, receives the best possible service from TAAB Members. To enhance the reputation, standing and good will of TAAB and its Members. TAAB has a long standing reputation and good will of being the travel industry’s seal of approval when it comes to the professionalism.
Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India, National Body of Domestic Tour Operators, constituted on 7th August 1996 with the purpose of consolidating the efforts of all tour operators who are engaged in the promotion of Domestic Tourism. Three essential pre-requisites are “SUVIDHA”, guaranteeing safety and security, “SURAKSHA” and upgrading – disseminating information – “SOOCHNA”.